Some anomalies in the DNA sequence can make a person a carrier of a specific genetically transmitted disease.
Healthy carriers of genetic diseases are typically healthy individuals, without symptoms and unaware of the risk of transmitting their pathology to their children.
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the child of two healthy carriers is born with a genetic disease.
If you are thinking about having a child, it is therefore important that you take a test to make sure you are not healthy carriers and to avoid putting your child’s health at risk.
Be aware and rely on us: for over 20 years, Eurofins Genoma has been by your side on this journey.
Our test to find out if you are carriers of genetic diseases is Genescreen®.
What is
Genescreen® is a test that allows you to find out, with one sample, if you are carriers of hereditary genetic conditions, from the rarest to the most frequent in the Italian population, such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, hereditary deafness, and more.
Genescreen® allows the couple to know, through a blood sample, if you are carriers of genetic diseases and if there is a risk of transmitting them to their children.
How is it done?
The Genescreen® test is performed with a simple blood sample.
Why is it important?
This type of test is highly recommended when planning to have children.
It is a useful test for all couples, regardless of their family history.
Genescreen® detects anomalies related to diseases for which future parents, even if carriers, are clinically asymptomatic and do not know they have a disease.
It is a complete and exhaustive test that can identify at-risk couples for over 5000 genetic diseases.
TEST characteristics
Sample required: blood draw or oral swab
Accuracy >99%
Report turnaround time: 20 business days
4 levels of investigation: Focus, Protect, Easy-Donor, Complete
NGS technology: the most modern technology on the market
Who is Genescreen®for?
Coouples with a family history of genetic diseases
Couples of ethnic groups at risk for genetic diseases
Couples undergoing assisted fertility
Couples planning to become parents who have never undergone genetic testing
Couples who need egg/sperm donation to reduce the likelihood of transmitting a condition to their children
Pregnant women who wish to investigate their status as healthy carriers
Assisted reproduction centers
Anyone who wants to investigate their status as a healthy carrier of genetic diseases
Choose a risk-free future: choose Genescreen®.
With Geenscreen® serious illnesses can be promptly avoided.
Patologies with possibility of early treatment
Can be treated immediately after birth, such as Wilson’s disease or PKU.
Intellectual disabilities
Serious intellectual deficits, such as the X-fragile syndrome or Niemann-Pick disease.
Patologies with reduced life expectancy
Require constant and continuous treatments, such as cystic fibrosis.
Patologies with limited/no treatment possibility
Limited/no therapeutic chance